Academic Word List
The Academic World List was created by Averil Coxhead at Victoria University of Wellington,New Zealand. The AWL contains 570 words and is grouped into 10 sub-lists to aid in study and indicate level of frequency. Words in groups 1-5 are more common and appear more frequently than the words in groups 6-10. We have provided each sub-list as a free download so students can learn the words quickly without being distracted by longer lists. Enjoy this free resources and share it with your friends.
Academic Word List - Group 2
Academic Word List - Group 6
Academic Word List - Group 8
Academic Word List - Group 7
Academic Word List - Group 3
Academic Word List - Group 1
Academic Word List - Group 4
Academic Word List - Group 10
Academic Word List - Group 9
Academic Word List - Group 5
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Academic Word List
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