Academic Word List

Posted by on June 16, 2018

The Academic Words Lists

The Academic World List was created by Averil Coxhead at Victoria University of Wellington,New Zealand. The AWL contains 570 words and is grouped into 10 sub-lists to aid in study and indicate level of frequency. Words in groups 1-5 are more common and appear more frequently than the words in groups 6-10. We have provided each sub-list as a free download so students can learn the words quickly without being distracted by longer lists. Enjoy this free resources and share it with your friends.



Academic Word List - Group 2
Academic Word List - Group 6
Academic Word List - Group 8
Academic Word List - Group 7
Academic Word List - Group 3
Academic Word List - Group 1
Academic Word List - Group 4
Academic Word List - Group 10
Academic Word List - Group 9
Academic Word List  - Group 5

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